January 2018 (US)
Maximizing Law Firm Profitability: Hiring, Training and Developing Productive Lawyers
Law Journal Press

In the latest update of her publication, Maximizing Law Firm Profitability: Hiring, Training and Developing Productive Lawyers​, Debra Forman writes how by engaging their stakeholders, practising efficiently, and managing perceptions law firm practitioners will steadily maximize their profitability. Release 38 provides critical insights to enable firms to view crucial firm decisions through their key business lenses; develop and follow needs assessment plans; conduct critical reviews and prioritizations; establish immediate action steps; monitor strategy; and take next steps, as required. Additional topics in Release 38 will assist law firms in conducting ROI analysis in terms of attorney fit within the firm; establish practice efficiency practices; stay focused and engaged on their stakeholders’ needs; assign leadership to associate, counsel, and partner initiatives; and commit their time to business development endeavours.

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