Like the door frame your parents used to keep track of your childhood growth and development, you want a trustworthy lens through which you regularly assess your professional and personal effectiveness. And what better measure than the last six months to mark and evaluate your ability to be nimble and successful, regardless of the obstacle you find in your way.

A frank review of your efforts and net returns of your actions will mirror not only how well you function but highlight those personal blocks you may erect that interfere with and prevent you from achieving your goals.

You may have a conditioned response of self-doubt and its accompanying self-sabotaging whispers.

You may assume something will not work because a similar action was unsuccessful in the past.

You may block yourself when you rely solely on your own interpretation of events.

To be deliberate and demonstrate the leader you are, you want to break through your immobilizing blocks.

Target those whose feedback and trust you highly value. Tune into After It Rains, video #48, and strip yourself of any self-limiting baggage.

Let it rain.

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