Happy new year!

Now is the time to embrace the new year and commit to those resolutions you want to realize in 2019.

Commit to taking your practice and business development initiatives to more satisfying levels.

Set goals that will stretch last year’s reach, whether in terms of revenue, relationships, or business streams.

Allow yourself to try new things, even if you are unsure of the immediate rewards.

Organize your office and set up new practice management procedures.

Update your bios, both on your firm website and LinkedIn.

Remind yourself repeatedly that it is not about you but your client.

Manage your time responsibly, acknowledging that you determine your accessibility.

Stay on top of your billing procedures and time-keep efficiently and effectively.

These resolutions only scrape the surface of those commitments you can make in 2019 to yourself, your colleagues, and clients.

As now is the time to commit to strategic resolutions for the new year, tune in to After It Rains, video #31, to be inspired as to how you can hold yourself accountable to your commitments.

Let it rain.

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