Debra Forman of Pinstripe coached senior IT leaders at this exclusive one day forum.

Debra Forman of Pinstripe spoke on branding and marketing controls as the program’s guest speaker.

Debra Forman of Pinstripe was the keynote speaker on career development at an in-house learning and development seminar for Justice lawyers.

Debra Forman was the "resident coach" at AIJA's (the ONLY Global Association of Young Lawyers) November conference and will conduct a workshop, "Best Communication and Social Networking Practices for Lawyers: Winning and Keeping Your Internal and External Clients."

September 25, 2009 (Toronto)

Debra Forman of Pinstripe Coaching was a proud sponsor of the Poised for Leadership seminar, which was a collaborative leadership event involving more than seven not-for-profit professional associations, which brought together 180 young professional women.

Debra Forman was a certified coach facilitator at a school district retreat where she provided guidance and feedback to designated teachers developing their coaching skills.

Debra Forman of Pinstripe coached CIO delegates at the annual three-day sea-bourne symposium.

Debra Forman of Pinstripe provided career support to professionals in transition.

Debra Forman of Pinstripe Coaching joins the Board of Editors.