Marketing is the overt branding piece within the trilogy of networking, marketing and sales. Networking will always get you through the door. Marketing will provide the hook to explore the discussion, enabling the sales piece to close the deal.

When you market, this is the opportune time for you to promote and focus on your brand. You strategically select ways to share your message and expertise in order to further leverage your relationships. Your contacts and clients are all different, their needs and wants vary and their expectations in terms of your services are unique to their circumstances.

The one constant is you: you are malleable when it comes to effectively directing your services to your specific audience and initiating targeted and attentive relationship touches. Your marketing initiatives can address your legal expertise, industry knowledge and those informal and regular touches that are very effective with clients and prospects to keep your brand close to mind.

To be more inclusive with your marketing initiatives and satisfied with your efforts, tune in to After It Rains, video episode #4, and quickly realize how naturally you market yourself with everything you do.

Let it rain.

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