Client exposure is sadly another area where many of your colleagues are elbowed out in favour of those with the loudest voices or biggest books of business. Too frequently, your firm rolls out the same people on different pitches, simply because these lawyers have been used on earlier pitches and have institutionally become the go-to team.

Regardless of your firm’s size, there is depth of talent, which you want to expose and share with current and prospective clients.

Now is the time to stop pushing the “repeat” button when selecting your pitch team. Instead, pause, and consider who is your audience, and what do they want to see and hear when your representative team pitches them for work.

When you reflect on what works best in each situation, you’ll treat each pitch as a unique occurrence and make the pitch’s success about the prospect and client, and not about your firm.

To rely more effectively on merit and inclusivity, tune in to After It Rains, video episode #12, before selecting and presenting your client pitch teams.

Let it rain.

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