What better way to welcome 2021 than committing to allocate your time and execute your efforts more effectively. If nothing else, 2020 has amply magnified that shift happens.

In 2021, resolve to be your own gatekeeper.

Last year, events that would never have entered your calendar in prior years took on heightened importance, some even elevated to urgencies, depending on who in your personal and professional life was pulling rank. You instinctively and reactively tapped into your personal arsenal of unique controls and attained valuable results.

Just think what you can achieve and accelerate when you initiate, lead, and determine your actions.

When you proactively concentrate on your self-management, you stay nimble, prepare effectively for all situations, and keep your eyes steadfastly forward on the business at hand. Focused controls enable you to pause and hold your ground; take ownership of your actions; conduct yourself more responsibly; and be perceived the way you want to be seen.

Acknowledging that shift happens, tune into After It Rains, video #52, and find out how you can further succeed at being your own gatekeeper in 2021.

Let it rain.

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