As counterintuitive as it sounds when you lean into the wind you propel yourself forward.

Leaning into the wind is how I stay on track, and my blog, After It Rains, epitomizes the value gained through my leaning. Today’s episode marks the 12th and final video I made in Montreal during a three-hour shoot on February 25, 2020. Little did I know that trip that typified countless others would be the last video session I could book in the foreseeable future. And talk about leaning; the content of all but one of the 12 videos was aptly shared each month.

Running out of videos, I further leaned into the wind and created the After It Rains podcast series, ON A.I.R., which will be launched shortly. No more flights or booked studio sessions required. I will control ON A.I.R.’s production from my home office, enabling me to stay nimble and on track. By leaning into the wind, I continue to communicate new insights through an essential medium.

It is your turn to lean into the wind. Tune into After It Rains, video #54, and pick up tips that will enable you to stay on track.

Let it rain.

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