To stay competitive and be market is more than doing good work and being smart lawyers.

As your clients have many options driving their business case for counsel, your firm needs to remain nimble in servicing your clients and addressing their legal needs.

Your firm wants to be a market leader in those areas of business that are key to your current clients’ success and prospective clients’ business interests.

A strategic and effective way to maximize the profitability of your firm is to grow specific areas of your firm through targeted partner and group acquisitions.

Your firm should be perceived externally as a viable and desirable firm that sits at the top of laterals’ “go-to” firm lists that they want to woo, and potentially join.

To succeed, you want to balance external interest with your firm needs.

To make right and smart choices, tune into After It Rains, video #38, to consistently realize on your investments.

It’s your move.

Let it rain.

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