You will proactively increase your market footprint and achieve bigger and more targeted returns on investment when you actively control your practice and visibility and determine what work you want to do and with whom.

Bottom line, you increase your footprint by having a strong personal brand and an effective web presence.

Test your marketability by Googling yourself on a regular basis.

What kind of digital footprint do you see?

If you do not see the returns you want to see, it is time to update your information and redirect your market focus.

Do not rely on chance that the prospects and clients you want to service will find you. Ensure that the information you control is not only the most up-to-date but the information you personally support and want others to read.

To increase your footprint, tune in to After It Rains, video #19, to learn how to use your brand more effectively to control how you market yourself to others.

Let it rain.

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