Pivot has become the word du jour these last months. Admittedly, I have used it often to help clients view their situations through new or different lenses. Now it is my turn to pivot. Pre-pandemic, I shot a video to be released this month called “Remove Your Mask.” Well, with the current mandatory need to wear masks, my video theme is wholly inappropriate. So, no video. But the video’s message still resonates. So, here is my pivoted Hallowe’en blog.

With Hallowe’en just days away, it is timely to uncover why you may mask your effectiveness.

This sometimes happens when you are in the spotlight. You feel protected when you do not have the right answer or are not ready or willing to take the next step. You worry that it is not appropriate for you to take control of the situation. You freeze when you need to act.

Hiding yourself conceals what you want to say and can cause you to send out inappropriate and mixed messages.

In fact, if you retreat too often, it will be difficult to reassert yourself.

It is time to stop concealing your abilities.

Consider adapting these principles to reveal the real you.

Identify and target your audience confidently.

Accept that each situation is different.

Prepare so you provide your best solution.

Stay on top of what needs to be done.

If you have delegated to others, ensure you have built in follow up procedures and ways of making yourself accessible.

Ask questions to enable yourself to provide the right answers.

Seek and gain clarity to act strategically and confidently.

Trust your gut and instincts, which feed from your expertise and judgment.

Guide yourself to the right answer.

When you pivot, you share your value.

Stay safe this Hallowe’en.

Let it rain.

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