It is time for you and your firm to endorse multi-track career options at your firm.

This is not a second-tier program being put into place for second-class lawyers.

In fact, a strategic and effective system will enable all your lawyers to excel. Some lawyers may opt straight out for specific career paths while others, through discussions and mentoring, will align themselves to paths deemed best for their career progression.

Your firm’s multi-track initiative will only succeed with solid firm endorsement and highly visible and continuous support. Having the firm’s political backing for this initiative is particularly crucial, as the desire to become law firm partners has long been ingrained into the psyches of your firm and lawyers.

Considering multi-track career paths will greatly assist your firm in confronting and managing your lawyers’ expectations as they relate to their growth, development, and success at your firm.

To stop promoting an “up or out” environment at your firm, tune in to After It Rains, video #17, and start endorsing multi-track career options to enable success for all your lawyers.

Let it rain.

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