Happy New Year! And what better time than the new year to commit to regularly contacting your internal colleagues and showing genuine interest in them and their business. You get that this is a key way to build relationships with your clients. It is now time to leverage your client development skills and focus your attention on your internal colleagues.

Sometimes you don’t see what’s right in front of you. Opportunities can literally be just down the hall or a phone call or email away. But prospects will slip away if you do not make strategic efforts to strengthen your relationships with your colleagues and their contacts.

Just as developing and growing your external relationships are key to your business development initiatives, when you have deeper and more meaningful bonds with your internal relationships you are establishing a key platform from which you can work and potentially cross-sell together.

To further see what is right in front of you, tune in to After It Rains, video episode #10, and learn how to maintain and sustain deep relationships with your firm colleagues.

Let it rain.

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