You always want 20/20 vision.

This is your normal vision clarity when measured at a distance of 20 feet.

Too often, you may not see or search for the opportunities ahead of you. Current success, busyness, lack of immediacy, and simple inertia may distort your clearness as to next steps or simply blind you to what lies ahead.

You trust your abilities and success and simply ring in the new year.

The time is now to apply some distance when viewing  your business success.

Dial it up in 2020.

Critically measure your success as it relates to your effectiveness with your practice management, business development strategies, client service, and talent development.

Consider your pipeline for 2020.

Rate your success and determine your 2020 goals as they relate to leaving money on the table and your overall profitability in terms of current and potential practice and client opportunities.

To prepare effectively for 2020, tune into After It Rains, video #39, to attain more strategic clarity on your business efforts.

Use your 20/20 vision.

Let it rain.

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