In the latest update of her publication, Maximizing Law Firm Profitability: Hiring, Training and Developing Productive Lawyers​, Debra Forman writes how by engaging their stakeholders, practising efficiently, and managing perceptions law firm practitioners will steadily maximize their profitability.

Whether you practice with a small group of lawyers or manage a large law firm, Debra Forman’s Maximizing Law Firm Profitability: Hiring, Training and Developing Productive Lawyers will help you become more effective, productive and successful.

Happy new year! And what better time than the new year to commit to investing in your associates. Your associates are fundamental to the success of your law firm. They should always be top of mind and have access to and gain benefits from your firm’s support and guidance. A key mainstay in running a prosperous business is to build trust with your clients through the service your firm provides. This trust is assisted by developing and leveraging your associates.

Happy new year! And what better time than the new year to commit to investing in your associates.